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Technical Director: TB

Dr Priashni Subrayen


Dr Priashni Subrayen is a qualified medical doctor with more than 15 years’ experience working in public health in South Africa and abroad. After acquiring a formal business education, she developed a keen interest in systems thinking, process re-engineering and data analytics and management which has been her specialised area for the past ten years working in TB HIV in South Africa.

Her work in TB included providing strategic insight and technical management of the USAID TB HIV programme as well as programme support to the Department of Health at National, Provincial, District and facility level. Dr Subrayen has an in depth understanding of the data management system and TB data flow within the South African TB program which allows for focussed data analytics for evidence-based improvement and design of interventions. Her passion and motivation are raising awareness, educating and empowering healthcare workers for more resilient health service delivery.

As Technical Director: TB at Aurum she Heads the Secretariat of the South African National TB Think Tank.
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