Clinical Research

Running clinical trials ranging from large scale public health studies, to highly regulated clinical trials of new medications.
Each clinical research site (CRS) brings a unique complement of skills, populations, facilities, and experience.
We have conducted more than 210 research studies and clinical trials at 5 main Clinical Research Centres in Klerksdorp, Rustenburg, Tembisa, Pretoria and Mozambique.
Featured News on Clinical Research

Magy Study Team Celebrate Participants Commitment
The Aurum Magy Study Team at the Aurum Rustenburg Clinical Research Site, together with the Aurum Talent Management team...
Read MoreConducted > 224 trials and research studies in the past 18 years focusing on:
HIV vaccines & prevention (oral, topical, and long-acting injectable PrEP)
TB treatment, Host-directed therapy, TB vaccines & TB preventative therapy

COVID-19 vaccines, COVID-19 mAb & COVID-19 treatment
Diagnostics and socio-behavioral studies.
Enrolled > 67 565 participants in trials and research studies (Clinical Research Division)
More than 23 500 Thibela TB (enrollment at mine shafts)
More than 25 500 Sisonke vaccine roll-out to Healthcare Workers (enrollment at Department of Health Vaccination Sites)
More than 18 513 enrolled in remaining trials and research studies (enrollment at 6 Clinical Research Sites)
Aurum’s distinct strengths:
CRS pluripotency
Collective scientific, operational & management experience of its research leadership
High-functioning resources & systems to effectively implement large-scale complex clinical trials (both network & Investigator-lead)
We focus on these programmatic areas:


HIV Treatment & PreP

TB Treatment

HIV Vaccine

TB Vaccine

Special Projects


Clinical Research Sites

Overnight / PK facility

Routine Laboratories

Basic Research Lab which includes a BSL-3 mycobacteriology lab


Registered Pharmacies


Clinical Trials Conducted in 2022


Vaccine Trials

Treatment & Prevention Trials

Aurum Led Trials

CRD Publications:
Aurum CRS Centres

Pretoria CRS
Acquired to conduct Pharma & PK Trials.
78 trials > 3 400 enrolled.
78 trials > 3 400 enrolled.

Fundação Aurum
Established in Mozambique to aid roll out of 3HP & Covid-19 self-testing and prepare for TPT Phase 3 and 4 trials.
1 trials > 22 enrolled.
1 trials > 22 enrolled.

Tembisa CRS
Established to conduct TB Treatment Trials Consists of 2 CRS’s (C1&2, C3&4)
C1&2: 42 Studies/Trials > 3 600 enrolled.
C3&4: 12 Studies/Trials > 2 400 enrolled.
C1&2: 42 Studies/Trials > 3 600 enrolled.
C3&4: 12 Studies/Trials > 2 400 enrolled.

Rustenburg CRS
Established to conduct HIV Epidemiology Studies to prepare for HIV Vaccine Trials.
47 trials > 1700 enrolled.
47 trials > 1700 enrolled.

Klerksdorp CRS
Established to conduct HIV Vaccine Trials.
46 trials > 17 800 enrolled.
46 trials > 17 800 enrolled.

We have seen the impact of clinical trials saving millions of lives in the COVID-19 pandemic and we are now even more committed to continue our search for safer, more effective tools to address the continuing TB and HIV pandemics!
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