Fundação Aurum
Fundação Aurum office was established in 2019 and is leading the IMPAACT4TB project in the Southern African country.
Our Team
Mr Augusto Savela
Mr Luis Alfandiga
Joao Augusto
Mr Salvino Notico
Ms Lucilia Baptista
Rogério Chiau
Júlio Mussane
Helio Manjate
Aurum Institute
(+258) 867 309 305
505 Rua Maestro Justino Chemane, 253
Caixa Postal 1573
Aurum Mozambique Board of Directors
Dr Dave Clark
Ms Agagá Tembe Cuambe
Dr Diogo Milagre
Ms Ana Chichava
Dr Angelica Salomão
Aurum Mozambique also supports the Ministry of Health’s National TB and HIV programmes, focusing on diagnosis and treatment. The partnership has been so fruitful that experts from the office are now part of technical groups within these government programmes.
In addition, their work focuses on assisting with high-risk groups- MDR and XDR TB- with diagnosis and treatment and implementation of quality improvement programmes.