The Aurum health and science advisory unit of the Aurum Institute aims to:
- Fulfil Aurum’s vision and mission through short-term projects
- Provide global health and science expertise to countries and organizations, for example:
- Grant writing support
- Technical assistance to programs and countries for implementation and start up
- Program evaluations
- Program closeouts
- South – south partnerships
- Capacity building and skills transfer from within Africa
ASHA can leverage a diverse team to respond rapidly to programmatic needs in the health sector
Program implementation (TB, HIV, NCD, NTD)
- Planning interventions
- Implementation start-up
- Evaluations
- Policy and guideline development
Research operations
- Statistical support
- Database development and support
- Study start ups
- Clinical trial management
Quality improvement activities
- Material development
- Quality advisor training
- Improvement projects
- Root cause analyses
- Change packages
Technical and health management Training
- Material development
- Training delivery and logistics
- Train the trainer approaches
- Continuous skills assessments
Grant support to NGOs
- Proposal writing
- Grant start up, including monitoring and evaluation systems
- Closeout support personnel and reports
ASHA’s flexibility lies in its access to a diverse pool of resources
- International team with diverse background
- Experience across TB and HIV endemic countries
- Immediate deployment to needs for countries in the region and beyond
- Language ability in English, French, Portuguese, German, and many African languages
- Research, evaluation and implementation experience tied into one
- Cost effective support from TA located in Africa
- Country experience, knowledge and relationships with MOH and local partners
Staff pool:
Health economists
Research program specialists
Research pharmacists
Monitoring and Evaluation
Database developers
mHealth experts
TB and HIV health experts
Occupational health experts
Health care trainers
Quality improvement advisors
Infectious disease specialists
Health access experts
Grant management experts
Health economists
Research program specialists
Research pharmacists
Monitoring and Evaluation
Database developers
mHealth experts
TB and HIV health experts
Occupational health experts
Health care trainers
Quality improvement advisors
Infectious disease specialists
Health access experts
Grant management experts
Examples of past projects
- Guideline development for various countries
- Education/communication material development, including animated content
- Management development course
- COVID-19 workplace preparedness
- Surveillance amongst workplace employees in various industries for COVID-19 response
- Contact tracing and investigations systems for Tuberculosis and COVID-19
- Developing and running national Think Tanks to coordinate country responses
- Developing DHIS 2 instances and REDCAP databases
- Evaluation of health projects
- mHealth initiatives
- TB and HIV program delivery
- Clinical and implementation science research