Accelerate 1

Accelerate Tuberculosis Elimination and Program Resilience Activity.
Accelerate 1’s core partner and their expertise
ACCELERATE 1 implemented by The Aurum Institute in Gauteng (Tshwane and Sedibeng districts), KwaZulu-Natal (Uthukela and Amajuba districts), and the Eastern Cape (Nelson Mandela Bay, Joe Gqabi, Sarah Baartman).
It commenced on September 1, 2023, and was scheduled to end on August 31, 2028

ACCELERATE is the flagship USAID/SA TB project which comprises two separate activities.

Accelerate 1’s four main objectives
Improve diagnosis of TB
Increase treatment coverage and success
Reduce TB transmission and prevent development of TB disease
Sustain TB response systems
The Aurum ACCELERATE Implementation Model
Aurum and community partner mothers2mothers (m2m) have designed the following implementation model that offers five unique capabilities in accelerating TB elimination:
Data Visualisation, Translations, Dashboards
QI Methodology
Formalising, digitising and standardizing for efficiency.
Capacity Building
Low dose high frequency; focused trainings. Including didactic, webinars, mentoring, on site, digital, videobased training/ capacity building.
Cement sustainability.
Community, Facility Roving Team Model
M2m established community model for contact tracing and delivery.
Mobile screening to find cases in the community.
Community, Facility Roving Team Model
Develop and guide rapid scale up of innovations, facilitated by Aurum’s support to TB Think Tank.
Evidence-based implementation and continuous improvements catalyzed through Aurum’s science/research programs.