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Fundação Aurum partners with Mozambican government to help end TB

Fundação Aurum partners with Mozambican government to help end TB

Mozambique has shown its commitment to ending TB, with Prime Minister Carlos Agostinho do Rosário, attending the launch of the rollout of a new TB prevention therapy (TPT) recently.

The Aurum Institute’s Mozambican affiliate Fundação Aurum, is rolling out the less toxic, short-course TPT called 3HP, as part of the IMPAACT4TB project. The treatment prevents people with latent TB from developing active TB disease. IMPAACT4TB, led by Aurum, is being implemented in 12 high TB burden countries. In Mozambique, Ghana and South Africa, Aurum implements the project directly.


Speaking at the launch, Dr Emilio José Valverde, Fundação Aurum Country Director said 3HP will facilitate access to much-needed TB prevention treatment for people living with HIV and children in contact with TB cases at home.

The launch, held at the Maputo City Council Hall, was also attended by Minister of Health Armindo Tiago, the President of the Maputo City Council Eneas Comiche, the Director of the National Tuberculosis Programme (NTP) Ivan Manhiça and other government officials as well as representatives of several international and local health partners.

Relevant partner 

“The 3HP launch was the confirmation of Fundação Aurum as a relevant partner in the health sector in Mozambique, particularly in TB and HIV,” said Valverde.

The first patient was initiated on treatment at the launch ceremony. A few days after, 3HP delivery started in several health facilities, among them the Zimpeto Health Centre in Maputo, where patient Naima Júlio started her 3HP course. Since then, more than 600 patients have started treatment in different health facilities.

“We are quite excited about the introduction of 3HP, and we look forward to getting more projects funded to consolidate Aurum in the Mozambican health operational research sector,” said Valverde.

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