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Mahikeng Leadership Roadshow: Putting People at the Centre

Mahikeng Leadership Roadshow: Putting People at the Centre

Our recent Leadership Roadshow in Mahikeng certainly set a high standard! On the 15th of May, the Health Systems team came together to share in Aurum’s strategic vision. The event featured engaging presentations, discussions, and an opportunity for everyone to connect with the Aurum leadership team, understand the organization's strategy, and feel genuinely appreciated for their hard work—because without them, there is no Aurum.

The day commenced with a lively icebreaker session led by Programme Directors Tlamelo Dichaba and Itumeleng Machusi, showcasing Mahikeng’s unique energy. This was followed by a warm welcome from District Manager Mr. Glen Mogapi. The roadshows are meticulously designed for our team members in the districts, ensuring that each event reflects their distinctive character and spirit. Every roadshow is a testament to the deep local knowledge and engagement of our teams. This local flair not only energizes the event but also ensures that Aurum's strategic vision is deeply rooted in the unique strengths and needs of each district.

Group CEO, Prof. Gavin Churchyard, then delivered an inspiring message outlining Aurum's vision and reinforcing the theme he has been championing: "Aurum is Ours." This theme has resonated strongly throughout the leadership roadshows, becoming a key takeaway for everyone who attends.

Prof. Dave Clark took to the stage next to discuss the Aurum Strategy. His presentation provided an overview, setting the foundation for a series of detailed discussions on each strategic pillar. Prof. Clark’s insights clarified how each component contributes to Aurum's sustainability, success, and growth. The key takeaway from his presentation was that when discussing or presenting Aurum, we should focus on what Aurum represents—a health impact organisation advancing health science and innovation—rather than what it is not.

The strategy was further unpacked through a series of presentations by the leaders:

  • Mr. Arshad Hassim, Group Chief Financial Officer, highlighted the significance of upholding financial stability to bolster Aurum’s initiatives. He emphasised Aurum’s remarkable resilience, particularly during the COVID era, and stressed the organisation's commitment to prioritising its people in every expenditure decision and staff retention effort.
  • Prof. Salome Charalambous, Group Chief Scientific Officer, highlighted the critical role of scientific research and programmatic excellence in driving health innovations, and the importance of integration. She also spoke of how both young and seasoned researchers and scientists need to write and avail themselves of opportunities to present at key African and global conferences, highlighting Aurum’s commitment to thought leadership.
  • Mr. Michael McMillan, Group Chief Human Resources Officer, emphasized the importance of nurturing a skilled and committed workforce. The central message from Mr. McMillan's presentation was that Aurum’s HR strategy prioritises people and their development. He highlighted abundant opportunities for "Aurum People" to enhance their skills and advance as thought leaders. Furthermore, he assured that HR is readily available to support employees on this journey.
  • In a succinct yet impactful presentation, Prof. Vinodh Edward, Chief Executive Officer for South Africa, addressed the commitment to excellence that the HSD team committed themselves to last year. He highlighted the significance of individuals holding each other accountable for the success and excellence of Aurum.
  • Ms. La Chenna Cromer, Director of New Programmes and Innovation, emphasised the importance of strategic investments in creating growth and innovation. She highlighted how each individual serves as a powerful marketing tool through their hard work and expertise. This, she explained, is what Business Development relies on when seeking new opportunities and writing proposals.
  • Ms Kanya Ndaki, Group Communications Director, concluded the presentations by emphasizing the significance of effective communication in promoting Aurum’s work, particularly through storytelling. She highlighted how Aurum's Communication team has established platforms and channels for everyone to share their stories and contribute to building the Aurum brand.

The event concluded with an engaging Q&A session and closing remarks from Dr. Njeri Kamere, Managing Director: Health Systems, which were perhaps the most impactful closing remarks ever experienced, and it's not a stretch. Attendees were eager for copies of her speech, as it left them feeling motivated and prepared to put the Aurum strategy into action and to step up as thought leaders.

#AurumLeadership #MahikengRoadshow #TeamAurum 

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